Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Movie Review and a Book Too!

Tonight I saw Evening. It was not a good movie, but I really enjoyed it. The story didn't really add up to anything, but it wasn't boring and there were parts that had an emotional impact. If you are female and don't expect too much from it, I bet you'll like it. I'm kind of a sucker for frame stories where we see a character now and in the past. This movie is trying to say something about the meaning of life which is a little too ambitious, but I'm glad it tried.

Earlier today I completed an abridged recording of DH Lawrence's Sons and Lovers. It was published in 1913 when the author was still in his 20's. The writing was excellent but what I was particularly impressed by was how relatable the whole thing was. The book is about a son's relationships first with his mother, and later with a couple of women. The first part is far more interesting. Lawrence does a great job explaining how a marriage goes bad, how the mother comes to have an unhealthy reliance on her son, and how the son balances (or fails to balance) his mother's needs with his own. I just decided to develop a somewhat complex rating system for books involving three parts: use of language, story, and emotional impact. All categories are on a ten point scale. I give this book a 9, 7, 5 and recommend it to panyone who appreciates excellent character development.

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