Wednesday, July 18, 2007

The Five Best Things About Lists

1. No writing skills necessary: you don't need sentence structure, transitions, even punctuation is superfluous!
2. They help you to remember things. Even if you don't actually write the list, just think of a group of things as a list and give them each a number. Try it!
3. Helps you organize your thoughts quickly.
4. They're very useful in prioritizing
5. They help me get things done

Because i am famously distractable I use lists to keep me on track for getting the things I need to done. I developed a method for cutting my shower time from 20 minutes to five minutes simply by always keeping a list in my head of what I need to do next. I call it the 1-2-3 method. I keep a running list of the next three things I need to do. As I complete one task, I add a new task to the end of the list. I find the method works well for accomplishing any thing you either might rather not do, or just get distracted from doing quickly. I love little behavioral modification tricks like this because they make me feel like a well-managed problem child. Which is much better than feeling like an unmanaged problem child.

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