Sunday, September 2, 2007

Rescue Dawn

This past week I went to the movie Rescue Dawn and I would like to recommend it to everyone. It is in limited release, so if you want to wait until its on video, I will permit it. But if you're currently going through any life struggles, I'd say see it as soon as possible.

The movie is based on the real-life events of a man (Dieter Dengler) who was shot down over Laos in 1966 and subsequently held in a prison camp. The way he approaches this problem is really inspiring. Chances are that I will never be in a life or death situation where I am forced to use my ingenuity to find a way to escape, but if I was, I hope I would be like Dangler. And its very easy to see how the qualities of determination, craftiness, leadership, and just a will to survive, can transform any challenge into an opportunity to succeed.

Watching this movie inspired me to see problems not as situations to endure, but as prisons from which you can escape. You figure out how to fix things, you make a detailed plan, and then you keep trying until you're out. So what I'm saying is, go see Rescue Dawn.


Melissa Lasley said...

Tina, I love your reviews, etc. Where have you been? Whats going on now?

Farrah said...

Tina how are you? It's Farrah, your long lost cousin. What have you been up to? Keep in touch. If you want to check out our blog it's

Cheryl said...

Hey! I unintentionally stalked you off of Farrah's blog. I didn't know you had one too. You look absolutely gorgeous in that photo. We just started a blog at It was really great to get to chat with you at the reunion since it's been FOREVER!