Thursday, August 9, 2007

Review: Science of Sleep

Do Not Watch This Movie. It is not good. You will not like it. The only way you could like it is if you're like that guy in Momento and you've lost your short term memory. If that is the case, you're probably used to having no idea what is going on in a movie, and will not mind it in this one. If on the other hand, you prefer movies where the scenes flow in such a way that you are able to form them into a coherent story, my original advice stands.

The thing that really bothers me about this movie is that they try to pass off the poor editing as artistic, or part of the story. In the film, the main character has trouble determining what is reality and what isn't. Because of the way the film is edited, you also aren't sure what happened in the film. But this doesn't make it interesting, it makes it bad.

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